Wow, as someone noted in our last post, Mimi's t-shirt photo has exceeded 200 comments! Congratulations!
But let's hope such testosterone-sparked otaku-storming popularity doesn't crush her time and patience like a lone red rose beneath a blanket of snow. Or isolate her from the less-recognized but just-as-entertaining female readers of DC. Or at worst, trigger an unlikely but soulless idol-esque addiction to adoration... Fortunately, we have overwhelming evidence that she's a strong-willed and big-hearted force, able to leap tall scandals in a single bound. Yet, at the same time, she's the typical teenaged girl who may laugh or scream or cry at any eccentric moment. We just gotta ride those waves, both rough and high. So power it up, Mimi-chan. Just don't let the power corrupt you. ^_^;
Finally, as we can see in the right column, let's all welcome Mimi-chan as a new Admirer-Follower of our humble blog. We'd like to offer her Honorary Knighthood, but unfortunately, we don't have her knight-based image, weapon or other character info yet. Maybe we'll wait for her mascot fanart first. T_T;
Thanks for postin' Punk Trooper! Yeah the sudden storm of popularity was truly amazing, and all thanks to Danny! But don't worry, I'm not one to be corrupted by it.. will continue doing what I've always been doing :3
Nah, this is Mimi's Rage, or Mirage for short. Though we do get that mix-up a lot. >.<
But seriously, we aren't worried at all. We're more worried for the IBO in your evil clutches. Quite. Evil.
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