Monday, January 19, 2009

0030 > Who's Going to Mimiland?

Fellow Ragers! Did you miss it? This week we're treated to another trip through water-colored Mimiland, lol. Actually, this is Part 4, but I think our mighty Mimi-chan lost count, haha. Here are the previous three parts: [1] A Week in Mimiland 1, [2] 10 MPH in Mimiland, and [3] A Week in Mimiland 3. So who wouldn't want their very own monster mansion in the middle of the wide Utah wilderness? ^_^;

P.S. Oh yeah! A shining congrats to Shagh for picking up his battered-and-bruised Mimi's Rage T-Shirt. You may be ready for knighthood, lol.

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