Sadly, Fellow Ragers, due to unforeseen circumstances, this shall be our final post on Blogger. You wanna know why? We'll tell you why, hehe.
First of all, we don't think DC likes "Mimi's Rage" very much, lol. If you haven't already noticed in the right column, he recently (Feb 25 or so) cut all DC comment feeds so that even Mimi-chan's DC comments no longer feed into "Mimi's Rage" or any other RSS feed readers. Boo-hoo. =_=;
Secondly, since everyone's free time has been severely hampered by school or work anyway, we decided to let contributor xJAYMANx take over the operations for the time being. Yeah, pretty depressing. But don't give up hope! According to what I've heard, Mimi-chan loves the idea of moving "Mimi's Rage" from this bug-ridden Blogger to a more interactive-friendly Facebook Group. Haha, what do you think? ^_^
Consequently, after nearly 4 months on Blogger, we might as well announce our glorious move to Mimi's Rage on Facebook! Like a phoenix rising from its own ashes. Born and born again.
Thanx to everyone who's supported us and stuck with us this far. We'll see you there, okay? Because I'm sure Mimi-chan would appreciate it, lol.
Peace. Out.